To get better, you MUST practice on your own time in addition to organized training sessions with your coach.
When you are doing nothing someone else is doing more. Be the person who is always doing more.
You should have the ball at your feet so much that your parents eventually have to take it away from you so you actually sit down and eat dinner.
What you do behind the scenes matters more than any game or practice performance. When your parents, siblings, friends, coaches are not around, what are you doing with your free time? Continue working as if they are always watching you.
Competition between friends is possible. You can train hard against your teammates. You can tell them to play faster. They can tell you to do more. At the end of the day, you are making each other better. Once the game or practice ends you can, and should, go back to being friends off the field knowing you just did you best for each other. This is professionalism.
Soccer (and sports in general) prepares you for life. One day you will have a boss and other people you must work with in order to reach a certain goal or standard. Your coach is your boss. Your teammates are your co-workers. You don’t have to like each other but you must respect each other and work together in order to get the best results.
Don’t be scared to be uncomfortable. When you are comfortable you are no longer getting better. Practice harder and faster than you did the day before. Step outside of your comfort zone and reach a new level of success. On the next day, do it again!
(Girls) Any chance you get to jump in and play against boys do it! They are naturally quicker and stronger and you will benefit from this environment if you are willing to try.
(Boys) Any chance you get to jump in with older players, do it! They will force you to play quicker and to be more aggressive if you are willing to try.
Be willing to try and fail and try again.