Buscando entre los archivos de Plaza, logré encontrarme con ésta historia de un equipo que a pesar de las adversidades logro reponerse no solo en lo futbolístico sino también en…

Roy Maurice Keane, former captain of Manchester United, is famously quoted as saying he doesn’t believe skill in soccer is the result of coaches. “It is a result of a…

Sé lo que ustedes me quieren. Cada uno me lo demuestra en todo momento y en todas partes y en honor a ese cariño que me brindan y que yo…

PRAC T I C E To get better, you MUST practice on your own time in addition to organized training sessions with your coach. When you are doing nothing someone…

En el ano 2008, el Doctor Jose A. Caso planteo y formo la idea de construir una de las mejores instalaciones deportivas a nivel amateur contando con una impresionante infraestructura,…

Exercise 1 HIGH KNEES Set up the hurdles 2 feet apart in a line, face the hurdles, stand straight with the feet hip width apart, Jump from one foot to…

1. What is Soccerfit? Soccerfit is a fitness program that promotes the physical training regimes of professional soccer players. Some of the most effective and benefit-generating workouts are performed by…

Plaza Sports Center isn’t just for kids! It’s great to play at Plaza as an adult! Check out some of the reasons why soccer is a lifelong activity for the…

Want to improve your fitness but don’t know where to start? Tired of going to the gym and seeing no results? Plaza Sports Center’s new SoccerFit Program can be the…

En Plaza Sports Center, también reconocido como Plaza, manejamos las ligas de fútbol amateur mas fuertes del Valle de Texas. Somos el primer nivel en el sistema de ligas de…

The UTRGV women’s soccer program is set to enter its third year of existence with a more set roster than in the past. “The players have set a standard,” UTRGV…

Plaza Sports Center hosted a special goalie training clinic on August 20 and 21, 2016 which was open to any player who has an interest in improving their net defending…

Es muy bonito hablar de futbol y de todo lo hermoso que rodea a este deporte tan lleno de vida. Pero hoy hablaremos de los protagonistas que hacen que ésta pasión se desborde…

In addition to the adult leagues available at Plaza Sports Center, playing at the university level is a possibility that older players should be aware of. There’s nothing like learning side by side with masters;…

Plaza sports teams have the best fans. Academy players’ family and friends keep spirits up with their cheerleading. It’s common to see signs and pride t-shirts with players’ names. PARENTS:…

Reach a new level of fitness by training like a soccer player SOCCER PLAYERS ARE POWERFUL ATHLETES, POSSESSING EXTREME ENDURANCE, SPEED, FLEXIBILITY, AND AGILITY. Now, you can train like a…

Little Toros is the perfect activity for kids Plaza Sports Center offers classes for children as young as three years old. Since children at these ages are still learning to…

El futbol no es cuestión de privilegios, sino de derechos. El futbol es el lenguaje universal de millones de personas en todo el mundo, incluidos niños, niñas y adolescentes, independien-temente de…

Coach Lindsay Vera is the newest addition to the Plaza Sports Center team of coaches, and she is dedicated to helping the RGV’s girls meet their fullest potential both on…

New soccer program at Plaza helps girls grow their skills. Did you know that the first national women’s soccer league in the U.S. wasn’t established until 1995, or that women’s…
La emocion por el futbol no envejece. Se puede llegar a lo 50 años de vida y el recuerdo de un marcador sigue intacto. Paraciera que los anos solo traen…
Ladies, you already know the but it can sometimes be hard to act on it, especially when you’re tired of your usual workout or haven’t experienced a dynamic routine that…
Plaza Sports Center is a hub for soccer enthusiasts of all ages. Victor Farias is a player on our Veteran’s league who has done a lot push soccer in the…
Get Your company moving for better employee health! Believe it or not, bubble soccer at Plaza has been sought out by local companies for their employees to use – during…
If you didn’t start playing soccer as a child, or stopped at some point and now find yourself never getting on a soccer field, we at Plaza want you to…
Outdoor Grass Fields The type of shoe that is “best” depends on the playing field, which is classified as hard, firm, or soft when talking about outdoor fields. On outdoor…

When you enroll a child to a soccer academy, you expect them to be taught techniques and discipline that will make them better soccer players, whether they hope to one day…

Qué mejor forma de celebrar el Día Del Niño que recordar ésta etapa viendo a tus hijos divertirse. Lo más bonito es que puedes seguir celebrando éste día sin importar la edad que tengas. Asé…

Asia Gonzalez’s love for soccer began when she first learned to kick a soccer ball at five years old.Growing up, she was always attracted by the sport and yearned to…