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Recreational Soccer for All!

By | Issue 6 May - June 2016 | No Comments

If you didn’t start playing soccer as a child, or stopped at some point and now find yourself never getting on a soccer field, we at Plaza want you to know that it’s never too late for a person to start enjoying this very universal sport! The goal of soccer does not necessarily have to be winning games and being very competitive; our philosophy is that soccer is simply a fun game to play with others while doing something healthy for your body.

There is simply no downside to getting active with soccer. Even training for soccer is a very healthy activity, as all cardio involved has many proven health benefits. Due to constantly running the length of the field, even recreational soccer players will find themselves meeting the recommended amount of physical activity without having to force themselves through a tedious workout. Instead, a fun day of games with friends burns fat, improves muscle tone, and improves lung function so you can run longer before feeling winded. Soccer is unique in that it calls for shifts between walking, running, and sprinting, which is more demanding on the body and increases muscle and bone strength more than doing any of those activities uninterrupted.

The social benefits of playing on a team are also tremendous; know that other depend on you to show up and participate will encourage you to keep to your training regimen and be a good teammate. This will build those relationships which have been shown to be a vital part of the human experience. We like feeling needed, and every member on a team is important. It is a formative experience for children to be on a team, which does not cease to be any less important as an adult.

A game for everyone – not just experts.
While some players on our leagues are very dedicated and are playing with an intensity that may intimidate some more casual players, we want everybody with even the smallest interest in playing soccer to feel welcome to play at Plaza Sports Center. We offer leagues for players at all levels of expertise. Plaza Men’s & Women’s Leagues are both available throughout the week, as are the Little Toros for children and Veteranos League for older players. You can start a team of your friends or family that we can help organize into a tournament or versus games against other casual teams, with whom you can develop very friendly rivalries. We have seen beautiful friendships grow out of these games. If you can’t get together enough people to start a team of you own, we can help you find a team to play on! Novices will be able to play on teams with other casual players just for fun.

Recreation Bubble Soccer-
Another option for casual play in a unique offering in the world of soccer: play in a bubble. Bring a group of friends to face off as red vs. blue and play a simplified version of the classic sport while you bounce and collide off each other in plastic, body-protecting bubbles. Being in the bubbles and bumping around with your friends is so fun on its own, we see visitors spending some time just doing that before getting into play with the soccer ball! You can rent our suits for the half hour, one hour, or a custom time frame. All fees already include suit and field rental. Bubble Soccer is a unique experience and even those who are afraid of hurting themselves with athletics will feel reassured by the tough plastic bubble, which has adjustable harness inside as well as handles to help you carry the weight. Like any good soccer experience, it’s a bit of a workout! If you feel winded during your time playing at Plaza, you can take a breather in our beautifully modern dining facility, which is family friendly. We love to see families enjoying a raspa after a game or groups of friends sharing a plate of nachos.

Getting the Right Gear: Soccer Shoes are more than a pair of cleats

By | Issue 6 May - June 2016 | No Comments

Outdoor Grass Fields
The type of shoe that is “best” depends on the playing field, which is classified as hard, firm, or soft when talking about outdoor fields. On outdoor soccer shoes, the cleats can be either molded or detached, which means the studs are either fixed, or designed to be changed out to accommodate for field conditions. Most from ground cleats today have either bladed studs or a combination of bladed and conical studs, the two basic shapes for cleats that serve different purposes. Conical studs offer a quicker release from the ground it spiked into, and greater stabilizing power means more bodily control and less risk of injury. The material makes a difference too; metal has more puncturing power and thus metal cleats are not allowed in some leagues and not on Plaza’s fields, either. Make sure to check with the facility you intend to play in before you buy shoes. Bladed studs create less stud pressure over the course of a match and because they don’t dig into the ground as deeply, allow the player greater traction and speed.

Turf Fields
At Plaza Sports Center, we play on a covered artificial turf field, so the only shoes we allow are what simply called turf shoes. These are not large cleats seen on outdoor shoes but they are still visible, though the sole looks a lot like a normal athletic sneaker in that they are raised rubber patterns in an extremely durable, rubber out sole. Turf shoes can also be used on harder outdoor surfaces and for training.

Indoor Fields
Turf fields that are indoors allow for a different game as players can use that walls to bounce the ball in interesting ways. To play in these facilities you need to wear “indoor soccer shoes.” The sole is harder and flatter than traditional athletic shoes and usually have a gum rubber sole. They usually look like low-key athletic shoes that can be worn in day-to-day life. Futsal shoes are a category of indoor shoes designed for five-a-side, and are usually extremely lightweight. At Plaza Sports Center, you will find a wide selection of soccer shoes in our Pro store. We are happy to help you find the right shoe for you needs, and if we are out of you size or favorite color we can order it and have it delivered. Our goal is to help you feel well-equipped to give it your all on the field!

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Teach It Young

By | Issue 6 May - June 2016 | No Comments

When you enroll a child to a soccer academy, you expect them to be taught techniques and discipline that will make them better soccer players, whether they hope to one day be professionals, or simply enjoy the game for fun or as an extracurricular activity. At Plaza Sports Center, you can be sure they are learning exactly the techniques they need to at the appropriate age to build their skills as they grow as players. However, they will learn more from the game than you will be able to see watching them score goals and move the ball down the field. Soccer and playing on a team builds character, and the younger children are welcomed to the game, the more the following lessons will become second-nature to them. You may even notice their behavior changing.

Alma Caso, CEO at Plaza Sports, shares that their philosophy towards soccer is not highly competitive; it is inclusive. The coaches at Plaza do not believe in focusing on scores, winning, and making the children obsess over the game. Instead, they think that having pride in good technique will bring the child satisfaction over a longer period of time and encourage them to better themselves at their own rate and to their own goals. Losses are presented as an opportunity to do better next time, and the notion that learning and improving is possible is reinforced instead of focusing on “natural talent.” This also takes pressure off each individual child as they do not feel like they have “let the team down” if they miss a shot as long as they tried their best.

As they are guided to practice certain techniques and exercises, the child will see that practice and hard work over time will result in a reward: more skill on the field. As the child learns that this is the way it works in soccer, Caso believes they will learn to apply the same self-pride to other aspects of their life, from applying themselves at school to subjects they struggle with, to interacting with peers in collaborative, rather than competitive ways. Little Toros also offer young children an outlet for the physical energy they are bursting with. As schools reduce the amount of physical activity children do per day, cutting recess and allotted for shorter P.E. classes, some children may find themselves struggling to focus at school. They may require an outlet like the Little Toros league to help them release that energy and help them balance their mental and physical forces.

Sign Up Today! 

For kids 2 to 4 yrs of age!

  • Practices last 50 minutes twice a week
  • Parents can participate in each practice
  • All practices are in covered fields
  • Cost:
    • $85/Month – 2 Sessions per week
    • $60/Month – 1 Session per week
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Dia Del Nino Tournament

By | Issue 6 May - June 2016 | No Comments

Qué mejor forma de celebrar el Día Del Niño que recordar ésta etapa viendo a tus hijos divertirse. Lo más bonito es que puedes seguir celebrando éste día sin importar la edad que tengas. Asé fue como el pasado 30 de Abril y 1ro de Mayo se celebró éste gran día con un magno evento como lo fue nuestra Copa Internacional Día Del Niño. Un evento espectacular tan lleno de vida y con mucho colorido. Lleno de sorpresas y diversión pero sobre todo de alegría. Qué emoción ver a estos chiquitines con sus caras llenas de felicidad, pero fue aún mejor ver la cara de satisfacción de los padres de familia que presenciaron el evento. A nuestras instalaciones llegaron equipos de todos lados y todas las edades. Se hicieron presentes Academias como Joga Poniente de Monterrey, Pumas AC de Río Bravo, Liberty y Joyce de Laredo y Rayados Brownsville por mencionar algunas.

Y claro, no podían faltar nuestras fieles y leales Academias como lo son Rayados McAllen, Excel, Pharr Elite, FC Dallas, Real Madrid, Atlas Millan, entre otras muchas. La mañana del sábado llegó con un clima que pintaba agradable para jugar futbol. El cielo se nubló y la lluvia amenazaba con caer, pero poco a poco se fue sintiendo el calor no solo en las canchas, sino también entre los aficionados. El termómetro marco los 99F pero ni la humedad ni las altas temperaturas impidieron que éstos pequeños guerreros se entregaran en la cancha.

Los partidos empezaron con mucha emoción e intensidad, trayendo así el primer encuentro entre los anfitriones, la Academia Toros en contra de Pharr Elite en la categoría 2005. Fue un encuentro de ida y vuelta donde las dos escuadras se entregaron en la cancha. El equipo de Toros tomó la iniciativa y se fue arriba en el marcador con un amplio 3 a 1, pero el esfuerzo de Pharr Elite dio fruto al venir de atrás y ganar el encuentro con un emocionante 4 a 3. El día transcurría, y con el, los partidos. Se vivieron momentos espectaculares y llenos de emoción. Uno de ellos fue cuando se vié entrar a la cancha al equipo Brazil del Profresor Rafael Rodríguez Mendiola.

Marcando así, su regreso deportivo a su casa Plaza Sports Center. Fue también el equipo de Brazil quien se encargo de poner dramatismo en los encuentros al ponerse al tu por tu con academias como la de Atlas Millan y Rayados Verde en la categoria 2004 B, quedando fuera de la competencia por un solo gol de diferencia, pero con una digna y admirable participación de su equipo. Otro equipo que vino por todas las canicas fue el de Joga Poniente. Llegó invicto a la final de la categoría 2007 en contra de FC Dallas, llevándose el campeonato hasta Monterrey derrochando buen futbol. Al igual que ellos, Laredo Liberty también vino a demostrar su capacidad, peleó de tú a tú, se rindió ante su afición y con mucha garra salio victorioso en la final de la categoria 2003 ante un gran oponente como lo fue Atlas Millan.

Este ultimo no se fue con las manos vacías, después de empatar con Brazil y ganarle a Rayados Verde, tocaba el turno de medirse ante el conjunto de Dep. Amigos. Un juego ríspido y lleno de atajadas por parte de ambos porteros quienes fueron los causantes de que el encuentro terminara en empate. Mas adelante, estos dos mismos equipos se enfrentarían en la final de la categoría 2004 B, coronándose campeón el equipo de Atlas Millan con un apretado marcador de 3 a 2.

En la categoría 2001, el equipo de Bandidos se llevó el trofeo de campeón. Empezó con el pie izquierdo perdiendo su primer partido ante la escuadra de Chelsea. Después vino de abajo para vencer al conjunto de Potros y también a la Academia Toros. El destino pronto les dio la revancha ya que en la semifinal se topó con el equipo de Chelsea una vez mas, pero ahora la moneda daba la vuelta y con mucha entrega y dejando todo en el terreno de juego se alzó con la victoria. Ya en la final, se midió ante el equipo de FC Dallas pero Bandidos sabía que era su momento y no podía dejarlo ir. Se planto bien en el terreno de juego y fue superior al rival.

Llegaba la hora de uno de los mejores encuentros que se dio en el torneo. Los protagonistas de esta batalla épica por la supremacía fueron las academias de RGV Team en contra de Rayados Mcallen. El juego empezó con las porras apoyando en todo su esplendor y desde el silbatazo inicial los dos equipos no se guardaron nada. Salieron a buscar el partido, ida y vuelta con goles y emociones. Se enfrascaron en un duelo a matar o morir donde el mas mínimo error podría ser la diferencia. Y así fue, el equipo de RGV Team tomó la delantera y se fue al frente en el marcador, pero los pupilos del Coach Jorge Muñoz pronto dieron la vuelta a la tortilla y se pusieron arriba con un 3 a 1. El equipo de RGV Team luchó y luchó hasta que logró lo que parecía imposible.

A escasos tres minutos para finalizar el encuentro lograron empatar el partido a tres goles por bando, desatando la euforia entre las dos aficiones que nunca dejaron de alentar a los equipos. Ya en la tanda de penales, el portero Angel Flores se vistió
de gloria al atajar un penal. Así fue como Rayados Mcallen se adjudico el título de campeón en la categoría 2004. Sin duda
alguna, fue un evento para la historia en lo cual se logró la felicidad de muchos pequeñines. Ubo emoción al verlos jugar y competir, lágrimas al ver que quedaban fuera del torneo, y algarabía en cada gol y jugada. Se sentía la adrenalina por todas partes, pero sobretodo se sintió ese escalofrío que recorre tu cuerpo al ver tantos niños felices. Esa sensación que te hace un nudo en la garganta y te llena de lágrimas los ojos al ver a tus hijos defender la playera de su equipo.

Es por eso que te damos las gracias por haber sido parte de este suceso que logró reunir a familias enteras. Así es como llegamos al final de nuestra Copa Internacional Día Del Niño y así lo celebramos, viendo a tantos PEQUENOS GIGANTES luchar por un mismo objetivo, la victoria. Esa victoria que no te la dan los partidos ni las jugadas ni los goles, sino el simple hecho de ver a los papás apoyando incondicionalmente. Eso es lo hermoso del futbol, que no importa la calidad ni mucho menos el desempeño. Lo que importa es que los niños sigan siendo niños y que la felicidad se sienta a pesar del resultado.

Feliz Dia Del Nino!

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Asia Gonzalez – Youth Player of Issue

By | Issue 6 May - June 2016 | No Comments

Asia Gonzalez’s love for soccer began when she first learned to kick a soccer ball at five years old.Growing up, she was always attracted by the sport and yearned to play in a team. A few months ago, Asia decided that she wanted to be part of her middle school’s team but worried that she lacked the experience and skill to be selected. Her family and friends suggested  she enroll in Plaza Sorts center to take her play to the next level.

As soon as Asia became part of Plaza Sorts Center, her commitment and potential were visible to her coaches and teammates. The thirteen-year old showed up day after day  ready to learn and improve.”It was a really good experience. I had wanted to go there because I wanted to get better so I could tryout”, explained Gonzalez. “They really helped me with the drills. Some of the drills that we practiced at Plaza Sports Center were the same as the ones we had at the tryouts, so I felt prepared.”

The hard work paid off and Asia not only made the team, but also became a key player in helping her school’s team become undefeated district champions. She attributes much of her success to the individualized attention and motivation that she received from Coach Chava and the other coaches at Plaza Sports Center. “The coach focuses directly on certain skills that you are having trouble with”, said Gozalez. “It is more hands-on and personalized experience”.

Even though the 7th grader divides her time between schoolwork, piano lessons, and karate, soccer continues to be one of the activities she enjoys the most. “I like that it’s different than other sports because you can’t use your hands. You have to use your upper body strength and lower body strength”, explained Gonzalez. “It’s also a cool way of making friends and hanging out with my team an you get to go places.”

She definitely sees Plaza Sports Center as continuing to be a big part of her life in the future. She’s currently enrolled to attend the summer camp program and hopes to continue playing for the women’s leagues, as she gets older. Her parents have also enjoyed the welcoming environment at the center and enjoy watching Asia play her matches. Asia’s success is a great example of how motivation and dedication can make you a great soccer player.


Why Summer Camp is the Best Investment You Can Make This Summer

By | MAR-APRIL 2016 ISSUE 5 | No Comments

Most parents can agree that the summer is probably the most stressful time of the year for them. Having the children at home all day involves having to find ways to keep them busy, cooking extra meals, keeping the refrigerator well-stocked for their constant snacking and not having any time to run errands or get work done. For children, summer is also a big adjustment from the normal busy schedule they keep during the school year. At the beginning they might be thrilled to be able to sleep in and not go to school, but as the days go by, they find that they become bored with the inactivity of their summer life.

Day summer camps have become very popular in the recent years because they provide opportunities for children to stay active while having fun during the summer. They also allow parents to continue with their regular busy schedules without having to worry that their kids are not being properly supervised. Here are some reasons why summer camp is one of the best investments you can make for your children this summer.


Making friends outside of school is an excellent way for your child to learn new social skills. In school, they’ve probably known their friends for some time and have not had the opportunity to develop relationships with new people. In summer camp, they will be exposed to a different group of children and adults they’ve never interacted before. Learning to create friendships with strangers is a life skill that will continue to be useful for them later on in life. “Summer camps, we discovered, are perfect places to help children optimize their psychosocial education,” says psychologist Michael Ungar, Ph.D, in his Psychology Today article.


Did you know that children actually experience learning loss during the summer? According to a study published by he National Summer Learning Association, children lose about 2 months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computational skills over the summer months. Summer camps offer plenty of learning activities that will prevent this from happening and will improve your child’s performance in the upcoming school year.


The inactivity children experience during the summer months combined with unhealthy eating can lead to unhealthy weight gain. According to the CDC, a pattern of accelerated weight gain has been found in children during the summer months. Sending your children to summer camp is a way to make sure that they get the exercise that they need and that they continue eating healthy meals and snacks.

10 Reasons Why to Choose Plaza Sports Center Summer Camp

If you’re convinced that summer camp is a great investment for the well-being of your children, we have good news for you! Our summer camps are not only affordable, but offer a wide range of activities for any age and interest. Our camps run every Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Here are 10 reasons why your children can’t miss out on them this summer:

1. Awesome camp facilities

Your kids will love spending the day in our state-of-the-art center that features four soccer fields that will give them plenty of room to run around and have fun.

2. We live and breathe soccer

If you’re kids are interested in playing soccer in the future or already doing so, our summer camps offer them the opportunity to practice in real fields, with great soccer coaches.

3. You pay by week

We know that your summers are busy and might even have vacations planned. That’s why we only charge you for the weeks that your child attends – making our camp very affordable.

4. Lot’s of other sports

Although we love soccer, we want kids to learn to play other sports too. Our camp participants practice non-contact boxing, Kids Crossfit, flag football, and more!

5. Arts and Crafts

It’s important that your children practice their fine motor skills during the summer. We have plenty of arts and crafts activities that will help your children develop their manual dexterity.

6. Top Notch Staff

We take pride in having professional, well-trained staff that becomes like family. Our camp counselors have extensive training in different sports and in working with children.

7. Delicious and Healthy Snacks

It’s important that your child continues eating well-balanced and healthy meals during the summer. Our camp fees include a healthy lunch and snacks.

8. Lot’s of Fun

We also have plenty of opportunities for your child to just relax and have fun with their new friends. Our camp include daily activities like movie time and games.

9. Practical Schedule for Working Parents

If you struggle to find where to leave the kids during the summer while you go to work, our camp is the perfect solution. Our 8am -5pm schedule means your children are well cared for and having fun while you work.

10. The Plaza Community

Plaza Sports Center is a community of families that love to have fun together while staying active. Our summer camps allow you to be part of our community of families and are a great opportunity to meet new parents and kids.

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Torneo Campeón de Campeones Plaza Sports Center 2016

By | MAR-APRIL 2016 ISSUE 5 | No Comments

Jose D. Rodriguez

El pasado 20 de febrero se llevó a cabo el primer torneo relámpago Campeón de Campeones de Plaza Sports Center, donde los equipos participantes entregaron el alma en cada juego. El silbatazo inicial se dió el sábado a las 9 de la mañana, comenzando así los encuentros de la ronda de dieciseisavos. Los jugadores lucharon con fuerza y entrega cada jugada, cada balón dividido, corrieron hasta el último segundo. Sudaron la camiseta que orgullosamente portaban defendiendo sus colores. Cada partido fue muy disputado y lleno de emociones, pero no fué hasta las doce del medio día que se dió uno de los mejores encuentros, cuando se enfrentaron el conjunto de Los Plebes en contra de Demonios. Fue un partido de ida y vuelta, de choques, de goles, de garra, donde Los Plebes se llevaron la victoria por la mínima diferencia en el juego de ida 7 a 6. El encuentro de vuelta no fue la excepción, un juego lleno de emociones y volteretas, con un marcador empatado a 4 goles, dándole así el paso a la siguiente ronda a Los Plebes.

Pero no fue el único encuentro emocionante. Vino el choque entre el equipo de Princesas en contra de Solteros donde las dos escuadras se enfrascaron en un duelo de toma y daca llevándose el encuentro de ida el equipo de Solteros por un marcador de 4 a 2. La afición pensaba que todo estaba escrito pero la sorpresa llego cuando el equipo de Princesas dejó el alma en el terreno de juego y vino de atrás para remontar la serie ganando el pase a la siguiente ronda con un marcador global de 9 a 6.

Otro equipo que murió en la raya fue el de Jalisco. El primer partido lo perdió con un marcador abultado de 5 a 1 ante el equipo de Sigi Trucking pero cuando todos lo daban por perdido, en el juego de vuelta, Jalisco tenia en la lona al rival con un 4 a 1 faltando un gol para irse a la tanda de penales. El equipo luchó, corrió, se entregó en el campo pero no le alcanzó, vendiendo cara su derrota y sacando emociones y sustos entre los aficionados de ambos equipos. Fue así que el equipo de Sigi Trucking logró avanzar por la mínima diferencia a la siguiente fase con un apretado 6 a 5 en el global.

Después de un día lleno de fútbol, nos pasamos a la fase de los cuartos de final del día domingo. Era un día agradable para jugar fútbol, clima perfecto, los equipos listos, y por supuesto las predicciones entre la multitud no se hicieron esperar. El balón empezó a rodar a las 11 horas con 10 minutos y era el encuentro entre dos grandes escuadras como lo son Tornado y Sigi Trucking. Un partido muy abierto y desde el primer segundo sabíamos que sería un encuentro lleno de goles y sorpresas. Trucking se fué arriba en el marcador pero la rápida reacción de Tornado hizo que la contienda fuera de un lado para el otro. Juego cerrado donde ninguno de los dos rivales bajaba los brazos y no fué hasta en los últimos minutos que Tornado logró imponer condiciones llevándose el pase a las semifinales con un marcador de 7 a 3. Por otro lado, el equipo de Los Plebes se midieron ante Princesas en una llave muy apretada. Los dos conjuntos se dedicaron a regalarnos grandes jugadas y goles. Se corrió al máximo, dejaron la piel en cada balón disputado, pelearon de tú a tú cada pelota dividida hasta el silbatazo final. Gran entrega de ambos lados, pero al final el equipo de Los Plebes se alzó con la victoria en un cerrado y emocionante 3 a 2.

Sin mas preámbulos, nos vamos a la etapa de las semifinales, donde los cuatro equipos llegaron con la mira puesta en el tan ansiado galardón de ser el mejor equipo de Plaza Sports Center. El juego de los Plebes en contra de Tornado estuvo muy parejo, hasta que apareció la potente delantera de Los Plebes dando cifras definitivas con un contundente marcador de 7 a 2, acreditándose así el pase a la gran final. Pero la sorpresa la dió el equipo de Deportivo Ochoa, al dejar fuera por la vía de los penales al conjunto del América. Fue un partido con roses, fuerte, lleno de algarabía. Estaba tan amarrado que se fueron al descanso sin goles. Para la segunda mitad, el equipo del América apretó la marcha y consiguió el gol a escasos 5 minutos para que finalizara el encuentro. Pero el destino estaba escrito, era la última jugada del partido en un tiro de esquina por el lado derecho, cuando mandan el centro y entonces ocurrió el milagro. Pareciera que se detenía el tiempo, todo quedó en silencio en la expectativa, cuando de pronto se alinearon los planetas y con un zapatazo desde fuera del área, Deportivo Ochoa empata el juego a un gol por bando. El jubilo en las tribunas no se hizo esperar y las caras de sorpresa y admiración de los jugadores quedaban pasmadas ante la algarabía del público. El jugador de Deportivo Ochoa nos regaló un poema de gol, dejándonos saber que el último minuto también tiene 60 segundos. Fué así como los muchachos de Deportivo Ochoa avanzan a la tan anhelada final.

El momento había llegado, se disputaría el Campeón de Campeones entre la magia de los Plebes en contra de la suerte del campeón que en ese momento Deportivo Ochoa tenía. Pero todo fue muy claro, Los Plebes dominaron el partido. Deportivo Ochoa luchó hasta el ultimo segundo pero no encontraban ese impulso que necesitaban para ganar el encuentro. Al final, los Plebes se coronaron y se llevaron a casa el trofeo que los acredita como el Campeón de Campeones de Plaza Sports Center. Así fue como llegamos al final de un torneo lleno de entrega, pasión, lucha, y emoción, pero sobre todo lleno de buen fútbol, y no será hasta la próxima vez que se vuelvan a escribir grandes historias, pero no las que se escriben con papel y pluma, sino las que se escriben con un balón y en una alfombra verde.

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Soccer: A Growing Sport in America

By | MAR-APRIL 2016 ISSUE 5 | No Comments

Only in the United States does the word “football” refer to a sport other than soccer. The world’s most popular sport does not seem to be as prominent in our country. But all of that is changing. In the recent years, the interest for this sport has been growing rapidly. Teams are growing, stadiums are filling up, more children are playing and the general public is watching the matches.

Soccer came to the United States hundreds of years ago when immigrants from England, Scotland and Germany began playing this sport in settlements. The first soccer club was established in 1862 at the Oneida Club in Boston. In it’s early beginnings, the sport had no clear rules or organization. All of that changed with the establishment of the United States Soccer Association in 1913, which became one of the first governing bodies to become affiliated with FIFA.

United States soccer has been very influential in determining the development of this sport in the world. According to the U.S. soccer website, the United States “grown into one of the sport’s organizational leaders, integrating player participation and player development into arguably the world’s most successful top-to-bottom National Team program. As part of the evidence, U.S. Soccer’s National Team programs qualified for 19 consecutive FIFA outdoor world championships before the Under-23 national team missed out on the Olympics in 2004.”

One of the most influential developments for soccer in our country was the opening of U.S. Soccer’s National Training Center in 2003. This $130 million dollar facility was built to nurture and train top talent for our country and serves as the stadium for LA Galaxy and Chivas USA.

In the past few years, the fact that soccer is rising in popularity in the United States has been obvious. Although the sport had already been popular among children, it is quickly taking preference over other sports. According to a 2007 FIFA Survey, soccer was (and continues to be) the second most popular youth sport in the United States – even more popular than baseball and football. These children are growing up and becoming avid soccer fans themselves. As these children grew up, they continued to be avid fans of the sport – increasing the number of people that watch or attend soccer matches in our country.

Television networks have been experiencing record breaking records in the past years when it comes to soccer. According to CBS, the 2015 Women’s Cup Final attracted 23.8 viewers, trumping the Stanley Cup Final and even the NBA Finals. Networks have started to pick up on the growing popularity of this sport and have been increasing their broadcasting of soccer matches. Just in the past five years, the number of TV networks broadcasting soccer games has grown from 5 to 13.

The growth of Major League Soccer (MLS) has also greatly contributed to the rising interest for this sport. Fans no longer have to turn to European teams for high-quality soccer games, but can now enjoy watching their homegrown talent. Game attendance at MLS soccer games has increased over 40% in the past ten years and teams are attracting top name talent from all over the world. As more and more families spend time together watching these games, the interest for playing also grows. To keep this momentum growing and to generate talent that can compete in the world stage, we need more high quality soccer facilities where our youth can train to excel in the sport. At Plaza Sport Center, we take pride in becoming part of soccer’s growth in the United States and our main goal is to develop well-rounded players that not only have a future in this great sport, but also in life.


Statistics (for infographic)

*Growth of soccer in Youth: In 1974, 103,432 children registered to play soccer. In 1990, 1.6 million. In 2014, 3 million.

*More than 56% of Americans who identify themselves as Hispanic, Latino or African-American said they follow soccer even during the non-World Cup years. (Source: YouGov Research). What’s more, 25.5% of these people consider professional soccer as their favorite spectator sport.

*In 2005, MLS went from 10-19 teams. In 2016, 20 teams. Plans to have 24 teams by 2020.




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Toros Academy: The Anatomy of a Good Soccer Program

By | MAR-APRIL 2016 ISSUE 5 | No Comments

Participating in a good soccer program can be a strong foundation for a child’s future in the sport, but also for his or her future in life. Very important physical skills are learned when training for this sport, but children also learn necessary life skills like teamwork, healthy competition, self-development and discipline

Our Toros Academy was developed to bring a new level of soccer training to the Rio Grande Valley. Our program is ever evolving, always looking for new ways to improve and make our players even better. This year, our program was completely redesigned to continue offering the highest quality training to our players. Here are the things that make us great.


The most important element of a good coach is that he or she focuses on the development of individual players, rather than just of the entire team. Each child has different talents, skills and potential and it is up to a good coach to identify these strengths and build on them. Good coaches also need to be knowledgeable about children’s developmental stages and need to develop their training plans based on what is appropriate for the ages of their group.

At Plaza Sports Center, our focus will always be on developing each child to his or her full potential. Our practices focus on developing technical skills that children will need to be strong players, such as dribbling, passing, shooting and receiving. At our center, every single child will receive individualized attention and will receive plenty of opportunities to play on the field, regardless of his or her level of play.


As players begin to learn the game, they develop their skills at a different pace. It is important that children play with other children at their level to increase their development and protect their self-esteem.

Our new grouping system allows us to determine a baseline when players enroll in our program. Once our coaches become familiar with their level of play, children are moved up as their skills develop. Players in groups similar to their skill level are more likely to feel confident to try new plays, test out their skills and become part of the team.


A good soccer program involves strong and positive relationships among team members, coaches and staff. Children should feel safe to go out and give it all they’ve got, regardless of what the outcome is. To develop as a team, all players should feel supported and appreciated rather than pressured or judged. “I think for every coach, it’s really important to build a strong chemistry within the team obviously, but also within the staff and the people you work with,” says former Team USA coach Jurgen Klinsmann.

A positive environment with good relationships is a priority at Plaza Sports Center. At our center, our teams and our players become like family and we do everything in our power so that each individual player feels welcome, supported and fulfilled.


Soccer is the world’s most popular sport because it is a game that can be played by everyone, regardless of age, race, height, body build or gender. Our Toros Academy is open to boys and girls of all ages and levels. If a child has never played before, we have a group that will help him or her get started with the foundational skills needed to become a great player. Female soccer is becoming more and more successful in the United States and we are looking to contribute with great female talent trained by our Toros Academy!

If you’re ready to get started in a great soccer program, our Toros Academy offers a free trial class so your child can come in and meet other children his age and our great coaches. Just visit our website: and fill out a registration form or stop by our facilities in person.


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By | JAN- FEB-2016 ISSUE 4 | No Comments



A typical 90-minute soccer game can be a real calorie torcher. It’s a high intensity aerobic activity due to the sprinting, dodging, and kicking that goes on.

Most players run an average of 4 to 7 miles in just one match! This helps players maintain a healthy weight, decreasing their risk for heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and any other illnesses. Even better, a healthy weight will keep you looking good. And feeling and looking good results in improved self-esteem, confidence, mood, and outlook.

Although all forms of exercise are good at keeping you heart healthy, soccer has been proven to be especially helpful when it comes to hypertension. Research conducted by the Universities of Exeter and Copenhagen and Gentofte University Hospital in Denmark found that playing soccer is the best way for people with high blood pressure to normalize their blood pressure and reduce their risk of stroke.

As children are developing, children need to participate in activities that will help them develop skills they will need throughout their life. In early childhood, gross motor skills – the movements that involve the large muscles of the body – are especially important. Soccer is a great way toddlers can practice these skills by running and kicking the ball. It’s also a very good way for children to improve their eye-hand coordination, agility, and endurance.

The US Youth Soccer Association calls soccer a “lifetime sport.” And that’s a pretty good way to put it. If you learn to play as a child, you can continue enjoying the sport throughout your life. Many people spend all of their life reaping its benefits, moving going from youth to adult and finally to senior leagues.

Everybody needs friends and soccer is a great way to find them. Playing in a team offers the opportunity to get to know people and make new friends. Soccer practice and matches become a great way to blow off steam, de-stress, and get support from your teammates. For children, it’s also a great way for
them to learn how to be part of a team, respect others, and good sportsmanship.

